Delivery: Movymia®(teriparatide) Homecare Service

Convenient, discreet medicine delivery & support

Movymia® (teriparatide) Homecare Service delivers your treatment to your home or another address more convenient for you. You choose the day and time, to make sure delivery fits your plans.

It’s important to remember the Movymia® (teriparatide) Homecare Service is for the supply of your medicine only. You should still attend all clinic appointments.

How it works

Once registered for Movymia® (teriparatide) Homecare, your clinician will send your prescription to a specialist homecare service provider. The homecare company will contact you to arrange a convenient time and place to deliver the medicine, as well as training if it’s your first time using it.

Delivery usually happens when you have about two weeks of medicine left, ensuring you never run out.

Medicine delivery

The homecare company allocated to you depends on who prescribes your treatment. However, it’s likely to be either:

HealthNet Homecare
0800 083 3060

Lloyds Pharmacy Clinical Homecare
0345 263 6123

Alcura Homecare
0800 980 0686

Your first Movymia® (teriparatide) homecare delivery

You’ll receive a Movymia® (teriparatide) pen and cartridge plus accessories such as needles and medical waste provision. The pen will be used for as long as your clinician prescribes Movymia® (teriparatide) treatment (up to two years), so keep it safe.

A training pack will also be included explaining how to use your pen.

Subsequent deliveries will include the Movymia® (teriparatide) cartridges which are to be changed every 28 days in your Movymia® (teriparatide) pen.

How do I register for homecare?

Your clinician will discuss homecare with you to make sure it’s right for you. If it is, they’ll help you fill in the registration form and make arrangements with the homecare company. At this point, you’ll also need to consent for your details to be shared with the homecare company so they can organise your account and begin delivering your Movymia® (teriparatide) treatment.

Click the icons below for more information

How to use Movymia
How to store Movymia
Movymia homecare delivery service
UK-MOVY-2b(1) | February 2023

Movymia® (teriparatide)

The information on this site is suitable for and solely intended for UK patients prescribed this medicine following consultation with a UK healthcare professional. Are you a patient who has been prescribed this medicine by a UK healthcare professional?

yes I AM no I’M NOT

Reporting of side effects. If you experience any side effects, talk to your doctor, pharmacist or nurse. This includes any possible side effects not listed in the package leaflet. ▼ This medicine is subject to additional monitoring. This will allow quick identification of new safety information. You can help by reporting any side effects you may experience. You can report side effects directly via the Yellow Card Scheme at Side effects should also be reported to Thornton and Ross Limited by emailing or by calling 01484 848164.

UK-MOVY-2aaa(1) | February 2023