Your Movymia® (teriparatide) treatment guide

This website is designed to support you, and your carers, with your treatment and is not a substitute for the Patient Information Leaflet (PIL) and User Manual that came with your medication and pen.

Why have I been prescribed Movymia® (teriparatide)?

You have been diagnosed with osteoporosis which puts you at higher risk of fractures – partial or complete bone breaks. Fractures (broken bones) are most common in the hips, wrists and spine however, they can occur in other parts of the body. So it’s important to stay on your treatment.

More information about Osteoporosis can be found on the Royal Osteoporosis society website.

How will Movymia® (teriparatide) treatment help my osteoporosis?

Movymia® (teriparatide) is a parathyroid treatment and helps increase bone formation. It works in a similar way to a naturally occurring hormone in your body, called parathyroid hormone, which helps build new bone.

It is self-administered as a quick once daily injection using a small, fine needle. Taking it daily and for as long as prescribed will help your bones to become stronger.

Click the icons below for more information

How to use Movymia
How to store Movymia
Movymia homecare delivery service
UK-MOVY-2(1) | February 2023

Movymia® (teriparatide)

The information on this site is suitable for and solely intended for UK patients prescribed this medicine following consultation with a UK healthcare professional. Are you a patient who has been prescribed this medicine by a UK healthcare professional?

yes I AM no I’M NOT

Reporting of side effects. If you experience any side effects, talk to your doctor, pharmacist or nurse. This includes any possible side effects not listed in the package leaflet. ▼ This medicine is subject to additional monitoring. This will allow quick identification of new safety information. You can help by reporting any side effects you may experience. You can report side effects directly via the Yellow Card Scheme at Side effects should also be reported to Thornton and Ross Limited by emailing or by calling 01484 848164.

UK-MOVY-2aaa(1) | February 2023